Purpose of this Website > This website summarizes and categorizes 468 of the Complaints about Williamson County TN Schools ("WCS") that are posted on www.instagram.com/dearestwcs (the "Instagram Complaints").
The Analysis Below was Sent to Superintendent Golden and the 12 WCS Board Members > The Information in this Website was emailed to Superintendent Golden and the 12 WCS Board Members on 11-5-20, 2-7-21 and 2-10-21 (see the "Chronology" below).
What do the Instagram Complaints Reveal? Many of the Instagram Complaints are shocking and involve much more than "bullying" or "harassment". They include Death Threats, Neo-Nazism, sexual assault, discrimination, and other abuse that meets the definition of Child Abuse. (The Mayo Clinic defines Child Abuse as > "Any intentional harm or mistreatment to a child under 18 years old is considered child abuse.") I think the Instagram Complaints reveal bad management by the WCS Board. Most of the WCS students are under the age of 18 and are, therefore, children, and while they are at school, WCS is responsible for protecting their safety. A top priority of the WCS Board must be to protect children while they are at school. While they are at school, WCS should protect EVERY student from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and from threats. Apparently, someone had to create www.instagram.com/dearestwcs because the WCS Board is doing a poor job of preventing Child Abuse in WCS. As a resident of Williamson County, I think it is shameful and embarrassing. What is really shocking is that the Board seems clueless, and/or incompetent, and/or unconcerned. The Board is aware of the Child Abuse but won't even acknowledge that there is a problem, let alone take action to protect the students. Instead of taking action to protect students, they hire consultants. 75 of the most disturbing Instagram Complaints are summarized below and there is a link to each of them. Read the 75 Instagram Complaints that are summarized below and reach your own conclusions.
Why Won't the WCS Board Stop Child Abuse and Discrimination in WCS
? The WCS Board has been aware of the Instagram Complaints since at least
11-5-20 and probably since July 2020. It appears that the WCS Board is
knowingly allowing Child Abuse in WCS and not doing what needs to be done
to stop it. As a student says in one of the Instagram Complaints, WCS has
"No accountability. No consequences. No protection."
What is Causing the Child Abuse and Discrimination in WCS and How to
Solve Most of the Problems
> 90% of the problems described in the Instagram Complaints are due to
Bad Management by WCS, not to a lack of cultural sensitivity or diversity.
Bad Management includes bad management at some of the schools, a lack of
effective supervision of the schools by the Central Office, and a lack of
effective management by the WCS Board (the Board is too passive). Most of
the problems involving Child Abuse and Discrimination in WCS are the result
of Bad Management by WCS.
I think WCS is trying to conceal the fact that the problems are mostly
due to Bad Management by blaming the problems on a lack of cultural
sensitivity or diversity - that is a very clever way to shift the blame to students and teachers
. That is my opinion after reading 468 Instagram Complaints, watching Board
Meetings, and corresponding with Superintendent Golden and the Board. Read
below and reach your own conclusions. Below are 11 Recommendations to
Superintendent Golden and the WCS Board that can reduce the Child Abuse and
Discrimination in WCS by 75% within 90 days through better management. I
agree with the student who said WCS has "No accountability. No
consequences. No protection."
Contents of this Website >
- Chronology of Events and Why I Analyzed 468 Instagram Complaints
- Categorization of 468 Instagram Complaints (498 "Incidents") > 27% were posted by LGBT students and include Death Threats, threatened rape, ridicule, insults, and discrimination; 11% were posted by Asian students (includes India, China, etc.); 9% were posted by Muslim or Middle Eastern students; 9% were posted by or about discrimination or assault against Black students; 7% are about Sexual Harassment or Sexual Assault; 4% were posted by Hispanic students; 4% were posted by Jewish students and describe Anti-Semitism and Neo-Nazism; and 4% were posted by students suffering from Mental Illness, Depression and Suicidal Thoughts. 25% of the Instagram Complaints fall into other categories. Details are below.
- 75 of the Most Disturbing Instagram Complaints are summarized and there is a link to each Complaint, so you can read them.
- 11 Recommendations to Superintendent Golden and the WCS Board
Chronology of Events and Why I Analyzed 468 Instagram Complaints >
July 2020 - Someone did a good deed and posted hundreds of complaints about Williamson County Schools ("WCS") on www.instagram.com/dearestwcs . Thank you Dearest WCS.
Mid-October 2020 - I read in the newspaper about www.instagram.com/dearestwcs , went there, and was shocked by what I read. At that time, there were 468 Complaints.
Analysis of 468 Complaints - The Complaints on www.instagram.com/dearestwcs (the "Instagram Complaints") include Death Threats, Neo-Nazism, Sexual Assault, and shocking abuse - they are much more than "bullying". I assumed the WCS Board was unaware of the Instagram Complaints, because I assumed that they would take action if they were aware, because I felt that they have a legal and moral obligation to try to protect the children in WCS. I have a lot of experience doing research, so I decided as a good deed to analyze, summarize and categorize the Instagram Complaints. It was a lot of work because there are 468 pages, but not nearly as much work as the people did who posted the Instagram Complaints.
11-5-20 - I emailed the Analysis of the Instagram Complaints and some common sense Recommendations to Superintendent Golden and the 12 WCS Board Members. In that email I said > "I'm not claiming that the Posts are true, but they sound truthful to me and I think they should be taken seriously and investigated. I encourage the WCS Board to have someone at the Central Office review this email for accuracy, read all the Instagram Complaints at www.instagram.com/dearestwcs ". Superintendent Golden indicated that his staff reviewed my Analysis and the Instagram Complaints and he didn't say they were not true. They have apparently been aware of the Instagram Complaints since July 2020 and certainly since 11-5-20 and their response has been, in my opinion, totally inadequate.
The Analysis of the 468 Abuse Complaints that I sent to Superintendent Golden and the 12 WCS Board Members is below.
2-7-21 -
I asked Superintendent Golden and the WCS Board to take action to stop
Child Abuse in WCS
. After 3 months, there was no action by the Board and I noticed that
Superintendent Golden's narrative had seemed to shift to saying that the
Board didn't know what to do and couldn't take action until a Comprehensive
Plan was developed. I sent an email to Superintendent Golden and the WCS
Board titled "Please take Action to Stop Child Abuse in WCS - don't use a
"Comprehensive Plan" as a stall tactic". In that email, I pointed out that
the abuse described at
is Child Abuse. The Mayo Clinic defines Child Abuse as > "Any
intentional harm or mistreatment to a child under 18 years old is
considered child abuse."
2-9-21 - I received a reply from Mr. Golden that I felt was inadequate. He said > "Our Human Resources Department did a similar analysis to yours, so it was good to compare that to their work. An extra step they did was to check our old records of reports and investigations. What we found was that some of those postings were reported at the time, investigated, and appropriately handled, but some were never reported. That’s part of what led us to publicly talk about what you mentioned in your earlier email: report these incidents so that they can be investigated." His answer seems to be that most of the Abuse Complaints weren't reported by students, BUT he doesn't deny that the Instagram Complaints are true. I think his reporting system is inadequate.
2-10-21 - I sent an email to Superintendent Golden and the WCS Board titled "Why you should Ban the "N-word" . Apparently, there isn't a rule against students saying the "N-word" while in WCS. The "N-word" is a problem that is mentioned by Black students in many of the Instagram Complaints at www.instagram.com/dearestwcs . Other words and symbols also need to be banned, but there is no excuse for not starting by banning the "N-word" - that is a no-brainer. Refusing to formally ban the "N-word" allows that word to be used. I proposed a simple approach that would reduce use of the "N-word" by as much as 95% within 30 days. I can't imagine why the WCS Board won't ban the "N-word", and I think 90% of the people who live in Williamson County will support that idea. Why would anyone oppose banning the "N-word" - the "N-word" is hurtful, disruptive and a real problem in WCS. How can WCS enforce a rule that doesn't exist?
Categorization of 468 Instagram Complaints (examples and links are in the section titled "Summaries of 75 of the Most Disturbing Instagram Complaints") >
(Listed in Order of the Most Reported Incidents by Category - the percent of 498 total "Incidents" in the 468 Instagram Posts as of 10-30-20. More than one incident is described in some Posts)
The group that posted by far the most Abuse Complaints is the LGBT students (132 Complaints). Second was Asian students (53 Complaints).
LGBT = 132 (27%)
(Includes Death Threats, threatened rape, ridicule, insults, and discrimination)
Racist or Ethnic Insults reported by White students = 62 ( 12%)
(White students reported many generalized incidents such as “that is a racist school” or “I’ve heard students use the N-word" without giving specific details. Reports of discrimination are in other categories.)
Asian (includes India, China, etc.) = 53 (11%)
(discrimination against Asian students, and face-to-face ridicule, and face-to-face insensitive comments)
Muslim or Middle Eastern = 46 (9%)
Black Discrimination or Personal Ridicule = 44 (9%)
(discrimination or assault against Black students, and face-to-face ridicule, and face-to-face insensitive comments)
Sexual Harassment or Sexual Assault = 35 (7%)
Hispanic = 20 (4%)
(discrimination against Hispanic students, and face-to-face ridicule, and face-to-face insensitive comments)
Jewish Anti-Semitism and Neo-Nazism = 19 (4%)
Mental Illness, Depression and Suicidal Thoughts = 18 (4%)
Appearance (“fat”, “ugly”, clothes, hair, etc.) = 12 (2%)
P.O.C. (unspecified color) = 11 (2%)
(discrimination or face-to-face ridicule, or face-to-face insensitive comments when color wasn’t specified but the Post mentions POC)
Special Needs or Disabilities = 9 (2%)
Racial Insensitivity that is Unintentional = 9 (2%)
(An example is when students are required to read a book in class that contains the “N-word” - at least 3 such books were mentioned - see the Recommendations for details. There are a number of complaints from both Black and White students about being required to read books that contain the “N-word”).
Bullied (reason not specified) = 8 (2%)
Insensitivity (not racial) = 7 (1%)
Religion except Muslim = 6 (1%)
Poverty (economic discrimination) = 3 (1%)
Native American = 2 (0%)
Sexist comments = 2 (0%)
(Also see " Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault")
Summaries of 75 of the Most Disturbing Instagram Complaints - There is a Link to Each Complaint >
(In most cases, the school name is listed on the Instagram Complaint. This information was emailed on 11-5-20 to Superintendent Golden and the WCS Board Members. 468 Instagram Posts were analyzed. 498 total "incidents" were reported in the 468 Instagram Posts).
Warning and Disclaimer - Below are Summaries of 75 of the most shocking Instagram Complaints - there is a link beside each Summary will take you to the actual Post. The Posts are anonymous. They sound true to me and WCS has investigated them and hasn't said they aren't true. Any errors below are unintentional. There are Comments on the right side of each Post. The Comments that I read seemed to validate the Post. I think WCS can reduce complaints like those below by 75% through better management. Students MUST be clearly told what they cannot do and there MUST be consequences if they break the rules. Until that happens, WCS will continue to have the same problems, over and over. I think it is shockingly bad management. Lots of smart people and great managers live in Williamson County, so all the WCS Central Office and Board have to do is ask for help. My suspicion is that WCS doesn't want to know about problems so they can claim "plausible deniability".
To scroll the Comments that are on the right side of the Instagram Complaints, left click on one of the Comments and then use the Down Arrow on your keyboard to go down and the Up Arrow to go up. The Comments provide additional insight and are worth reading
There appears to be a "ridicule, bullying and harassment culture" at some schools where students don't fear consequences. Most of the Complaints seem to be concentrated in 7 schools. At those schools, it appears that some teachers see Abuse but don't report it. The school names are listed on the actual Instagram Complaints, but I've replaced most of the names with XXXX below.
27% - LGBTQ Students - Ridicule, Insults, Discrimination, and Death Threats Against (132 total incidents were reported - 25 examples are below)
- LGBTQ student was ridiculed, harassed, and threatened with death,
resulting in suicidal thoughts and self-harm ("cutting"). Transferred
schools. Brentwood High.
- Threatened rape of LGBTQ student - "he was going to rape me to turn me
straight". Says administration discriminated against students they knew
were LGBTQ. Brentwood High.
- LGBTQ student threatened with death by a boy who said he would "put a gun
to my head and pull the trigger". Another student pointed at the LGBTQ
student and told a teacher "get that animal away from me" - the teacher did
nothing. LGBTQ student told the administration who did nothing. Brentwood
- Girl called a dyke and received a death threat. Page High.
- Death Threats. Student tells Gay girl that she should be killed. "This is
not the only time he told me that I should be killed." Centennial High.
- White boys said Gay people are "disgusting" and "should die or kill
themselves". Teachers didn't do anything. It is "upsetting and disgusting".
Franklin High.
- Student said "he would like it if all gay people could just be sent to
Florida and then Florida could be bombed." Gay student felt threatened.
Franklin High.
- LGBTQ student ridiculed, insulted and bullied, called a "f*ggot". "Never
once have I felt safe". Franklin High.
- Gay Straight Alliance Club called the "faggot club". "I felt even more
uncomfortable after seeing how terribly students could talk about LGBT with
no repercussions." XXXX High.
- LGBTQ student ridiculed by teacher, causing students in the class to
laugh and make fun. XXXX High.
- Student said in class that Gay people are "mentally ill, disabled, and
sick", but teacher did nothing. XXXX High.
- LGBTQ student called a "f*g and a d*yke" - reported it and administration
ignored the complaint. "Xxxx has no respect for the lgbtq+ community,
transfer, transfer, transfer if you are unsure of your sexuality and gender
identity, because being at Xxxx will not help."
- "Ever since middle school, there hasn't been a day that I haven't heard
at least one person say something homophobic." Franklin High.
- Gay girl ridiculed and called the "f slur". Franklin High.
- LGBTQ discrimination. Administration did nothing to stop the problem.
XXXX High.
- "There's a lot of racism and homophobia at our school and all the faculty
like to turn a blind eye." LGBTQ kids called the "f slur". XXXX High.
- In 2020, Boys repeatedly wrote "F*g" on a LGBTQ girl's project that their
group was supposed to review. Brentwood Middle.
- LGBTQ student ridiculed and bullied. Called a "f*ggot". Constant
homophobic slurs. XXXX High.
- Ridicule of Asian bisexual girl. Boys said "don't vote for her, she's a
dyke". A teacher was "openly homophobic, transphobic, racist and apologetic
towards the KKK, yet the school refuses to fire them". "I didn't go to
anyone about these things because it's been shown time after time that
nothing will ever be done if you do come forward." XXXX High.
- LGBTQ girls ridiculed in front of a teacher who did nothing to stop it.
Boys asked "so what's in your pants?" Girls were asked if they were virgins
and boys made moaning sounds in front of the teacher who did nothing. "The
fact that the teacher was there the whole time, heard everything and did
nothing still haunts me." "The level of homophobia was horrible." XXXX
- LGBT students were frequently discriminated against and called "f*ggot".
The guidance counselor and teachers said "ignore it". XXXX Middle.
- Gay student was called a "f*ggot". Brentwood High.
- LGBTQ student was called a "faggot" and other names. The student wrote:
"I really think WCS needs to look into these hurtful people and punish
them." Ravenwood.
- Gay student was threatened in front of witnesses by a student who said he
was going to "beat the gay out of me". Reported it and victim-blamed.
Ridiculed by teacher. XXXX High.
- LGBTQ student was ridiculed by a teacher, causing students in the class
to laugh and make fun. XXXX High.
12% - Racist or Ethnic Insults reported by White students (62 total incidents were reported)
(White students reported many generalized incidents such as “that is a racist school” or “I’ve heard students use the N-word" without giving specific details. Reports of discrimination are in other categories.)
11% - Asian and Indian Students - Ridicule, Insults, Discrimination, and Threats Against (53 total incidents were reported - 6 examples are below)
- Sexual harassment and racism toward Asian-American girl. Boys asked about
her vagina and if she was a virgin. She went to the Teachers and
Administrators who said "Boys will be boys" and "they don't mean it, don't
get so worked up". That made her feel depressed and suicidal. XXXX High.
- Indian student ridiculed by students and teacher. Student was asked he
eats dogs and students said "Ching Chang Chong". "This past year many white
kids would yell in the halls in Indian accents and even got a teacher to do
it!" The teacher did it in front of 70 kids. XXXX Middle.
- Indian girl called "curry bitch" and "cow worshipper". Centennial High.
- Racism toward Asian girl. The Post is by her Mom. Kids threw things at
her and made fun of her. The Mom wrote: "From the very first day she walked
into that building, she has suffered a disgusting amount of times…" "We
have to put a stop to this type of behavior." Summit High.
- Racism and ridicule toward Asian bisexual girl. Boys said "don't vote for
her, she's a dyke". A teacher is "openly homophobic, transphobic, racist
and apologetic towards the KKK, yet the school refuses to fire them". "I
didn't go to anyone about these things because it's been shown time after
time that nothing will ever be done if you do come forward." XXXX High.
- Teacher encouraged ridicule of Asian students. XXXX High.
9% - Muslim or Middle Eastern Students - Ridicule, Insults, Discrimination, and Threats Against (46 total incidents were reported - 5 examples are below)
- Many insulting comments were made to a Muslim student such as "I think
there should be another holocaust, but with Muslims" and "Watch out! She
has a bomb." and "Muslims are a disgrace". Kenrose, Woodland and Ravenwood.
- Muslim student was called "ISIS". Ravenwood.
- Middle Eastern student called a terrorist and told to "**** Bin Laden".
- Ridicule of Muslim and Middle Eastern students. White students yelled
"Allahu Akbar" and made bombing noises. Sunset Middle.
- Muslim girl was harassed and teacher did nothing. XXXX High.
9% - Black Students - Ridicule, Insults, Discrimination, Assault, and Threats Against (46 total incidents were reported - 14 examples are below)
- "N-word Pass" - Black student is called the "N-word" daily by White
students who claim they have the "N-word Pass". Brentwood school.
- More about problems caused by the "N-word Pass", and "she's gonna run
like she does from the cops". Brentwood Middle.
- Racism against a Black girl. "N-word" and "If you were on my plantation
I'd hang your b*tch as* after I've had my son whip you". Told her that
"they hope I die". Scared to speak up. Brentwood High.
- Black girl was harassed and assaulted - "go back to the plantation",
called a "whore" and "crackhead", asked if she is a virgin, called a thief,
asked if she knew who her dad was, and stuck gum, tape and food in her
hair. Ravenwood High.
- Black student's hair pulled numerous times, slave jokes, "quit learning
to read and get back to the plantation". Teacher ignored harassment and
ridicule. XXXX High.
- Racist and homophobic comments - "You're my slave." Brentwood Middle.
- Black student was ridiculed and assaulted by a group of White boys -
teacher watched and punished the Black student. XXXX Middle.
- White boys repeatedly called a Black student the "N-word" and claimed it
was a "joke" - it "happens all the time" and the "administration seems to
do nothing about it" besides "hey don't say that, that's rude". XXXX High.
- "There's a lot of racism and homophobia at our school and all the faculty
like to turn a blind eye." LGBTQ kids called the "f slur". XXXX High.
- White students covered a Black student's desk with cotton. Said they "did
him a favor" and "picked out the cotton for him". Page High.
- Racist White boys won't change until they "face the consequences".
Nolensville High.
- Racism and homophobia by students and teachers. "I'm a queer, Black
person and the hate I'd gotten at Woodland was astounding." Woodland
- Students explain why it is a bad idea to assign books that contain the
"N-word" -
- Teacher used the "N-word" when referring to a Black student in the class.
XXXX High.
7% - Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, and Threatened Rape of Students by Students (35 total incidents were reported - 10 examples are below)
- Sexual Assault and Rape - Boys blatantly grabbed her breasts. "I have to
go to school with the guy who sexually assaulted me / raped me. I just
wanna get out of williamson county schools. They do nothing for students
like me." XXXX Middle.
- Girl was sexually harassed and assaulted by the same boy for 2 years -
unwanted touching, caressing, trying to look down her shirt, inappropriate
comments - she repeatedly told him to stop and pushed him away. She
reported it to the Principal who put the boy and girl in the same room and
asked the boy if he knew that what he was doing made the girl
"uncomfortable" - the boy answered that he thought the girl "wanted it".
The Principal didn't do anything but tell them to stay away from each
other. XXXX High.
- Sexual harassment and racism toward Asian-American girl. Boys asked about
her vagina and if she was a virgin. She went to the Teachers and
Administrators who said "Boys will be boys" and "they don't mean it, don't
get so worked up". That made her feel depressed and suicidal. XXXX High.
- Girl was groped and called a "slut" and a "whore" for 2 years. No
punishment for the boys who assaulted her. XXXX Middle.
- Threatened rape of LGBTQ student - "he was going to rape me to turn me
straight". Brentwood High.
- Sexual harassment. Boy yells loudly and repeatedly "hey tits" at a girl
in the hall. Ravenwood High.
- Sexual harassment. Boys made a bet on who could get their hands down a
girl's shirt the fastest. Principal said "it wasn't that serious". "I never
trusted the administration from then on" she says. XXXX High.
- Sexual Assault - "I was abandoned and alone at the hardest moment of my
life and I felt overwhelmed by agony every day." Renaissance High.
- Sexual harassment. Boys talked about size of a girl's breasts and stared
at her chest. She told staff who said "Boys will be boys". XXXX Middle.
- Totally inappropriate comment by a Teacher. The teacher told the boyfriend of the girl he was referring to: "give your hooker a dollar and send her on her way." (The girl was standing there when the teacher said it). The student wrote: "that was the culture of xxxx. No accountability. No consequences. No protection. That incident was par for the course at xxxx." www.instagram.com/p/CCd0H03Dzut/
4% - Hispanic Students - Ridicule, Insults, Discrimination, and Threats Against (20 total incidents were reported)
- Hispanic student told to go back to her own country by a teacher who
yelled at her. XXXX High.
- Hispanic girl called a "beaner" and a "wet back". Centennial High.
4% - Anti-Semitism, Neo-Nazism, and Hate Speech and Threats against Jewish Students (19 total incidents were reported - 9 examples are below)
(Wikipedia says: "Neo-Nazis regularly display Nazi symbols and express admiration for Adolf Hitler and other Nazis." and "Many Nazi-related symbols are banned in European countries in an effort to curtail neo-Nazism.")
- Jewish student was told "Hitler should have killed you", "the showers in
the concentration camps weren't that bad", and similar hate speech. The
student had never experienced anti-Semitism until moving to Williamson
County. Brentwood High.
- Anti-Semitism and Neo-Nazism - "an abundance" of swastikas and hate
speech in the bathroom - pennies thrown at the Jewish student. Reported it
to the front office but was nothing done. "I'd just like to focus on how
awful the administration of WCS and Franklin have been to me and other
Jews." XXXX High.
- "The amount of antisemitism I faced during my time in WCS is more than
any Jew should ever have to face." "a kid made a clearly very anti-Semitic
comment towards me about my ancestors being burnt and all Jews should have
been burnt … and everyone in the class just said "ooooh". "My teacher did
nothing." XXXX High.
- Swastikas, "Heil Hitler", and the Nazi salute in front of the class. XXXX
- Jewish-looking student called "filthy Jew" who should be "gassed".
Ravenwood High.
- Jewish student had swastikas drawn in his textbooks and students would
walk by saying "Heil Hitler". A kid looked him in the face and said "I wish
Hitler had burned all the Jews so that you and your entire family wouldn't
be alive" - a teacher heard it but ignored it. XXXX Middle.
- Teacher criticized Jewish student for reporting a swastika on a desk -
victim blaming. XXXX Middle.
- Jewish student was given anonymous Hitler valentine. Brentwood High.
- Jewish student was called "dirty Jew" and more. Franklin High.
4% - Mentally ill or Depressed Students - Ridicule, Insults, Discrimination, and Threats Against (18 total incidents were reported)
- Mentally ill student was encouraged to commit suicide (told by multiple
people to "kill or hang myself"). Says school staff did nothing. XXXX
- Teachers were unnecessarily mean to an injured student who had a doctor's
note and had mental health issues. A boy started telling her to kill
herself. She became depressed and tried to commit suicide. Went to a
psychiatric hospital and left school. XXXX High.
- Teacher told a mentally ill student in front of the class that depression
isn't real and suicide is a cop out. Student reported it to the Admin. but
"nothing changed". XXXX High.
2% - Ridicule of Appearance (12 total incidents were reported)
- Body shaming - students called "fat", "skinny", anorexic", "whale", "cow"
and more. Franklin High.
2% - Special Needs Students - Ridicule, Insults, Discrimination, Assault, and Threats Against (9 total incidents were reported)
- Autistic and LGBTQ student ridiculed, bullied and physically attacked.
- Special Needs Disabled student constantly ridiculed to his face in front
of teachers. XXXX Middle.
2% - Racial Insensitivity that is Unintentional (9 total incidents were reported)
(An example is when students are required to read a book in class that contains the “N-word” - at least 3 such books were mentioned - see the Recommendations for details. There are a number of complaints from both Black and White students about being required to read books that contain the “N-word”).
2% - Bullying (reason not specified) (8 total incidents were reported)
- Girl bullied all thru high school. Students told her to kill herself. She
reported it to school administration but nothing was done. XXXX High.
11 Recommendations that Were Made to Superintendent Golden and the WCS Board on 11-5-20 >
I think it is possible to reduce the Child Abuse and Discrimination in WCS by 75% within 90 days through better management. 90% of the problems described in the Instagram Complaints aren't due to a lack of cultural sensitivity or diversity - the problems are due to bad management at some of the schools, a lack of effective supervision by the Central Office, and a lack of effective management by the WCS Board (the Board is too passive). The 11 Recommendations listed below should reduce the problems at WCS by 75%.
(1). There are 7 simple things WCS can easily do that will reduce the use of the "N-word" by 95% within 30 days (the "N-word" is a major problem that is mentioned in many of the Instagram Complaints). Doing the 7 things listed below will reduce use of the "N-word" in schools by 95% within 30 days - it isn't necessary to take a year or hire a Consultant to solve this problem. The Central Office will need to take the lead in requiring that schools do the 7 things listed below. A monitoring mechanism also needs to be put in place to ensure that the schools follow through >
(a). Tell all students and teachers that NO ONE of any color is allowed to say the "N-word" at school or at any school event - that word is forbidden. Apparently, there isn't a specific rule against students saying the "N-word" - that is shocking.
(b). Tell teachers to NOT use the "N-word" when teaching and to NOT give assignments that involve reading the "N-word".
(c). Ban the "N-word Pass", which is when White students claim a Black
student has given them a "pass" to use the "N-word". That causes major
problems. To read about the "N-word Pass" see
(d). Ban the playing of music at school and at school events that contains the "N-word" or any variation. Music that contains the "N-word" causes students to say the "N-word".
(e). Tell teachers to NOT assign books that contain the "N-word" because
that causes trouble. Don't believe it? Read the Posts at
(f). Make every student AND one of their parents sign a written Pledge that includes the penalty for using the "N-word". For example: The first time they are caught they get a warning and must sign a statement that they agree not to say that word AND they must write an apology to the people who heard them say it. The second time there is a one-hour penalty AND they must write an apology to the people who heard them say it. The third time is a one-day suspension. The fourth time is a one-week suspension. etc. There MUST be consequences or things won't change.
(g). Require Teachers to submit a Weekly written report to their School with the name of every student who is overheard saying the "N-word" and how each incident was handled. And require each school to submit a list of all the names to the Central Office weekly, and how each incident was handled. That will confirm to every teacher and every principal that the Central Office is serious about solving the problem and that you don't want to sweep it under the rug. The schools MUST be required to report to the Central Office or they might cover up the incidents because those incidents make the schools look bad.
(2). There must be clear Rules that school administrators, teachers, and students understand, enforcement of the Rules, and consequences for breaking the Rules . The rules should be system-wide and apply to every school. And the Central Office must monitor the schools and have a way for students to report incidents to the Central Office instead of being forced to report the incident to the school they attend. A big part of the problem is that some of the schools appear to be ignoring blatant ridicule, harassment and discrimination based on race, color, homophobia, religion, appearance, and ethnicity, and also sexual harassment and assault. Based on the Posts below and at www.instagram.com/dearestwcs , some of the schools are allowing blatant ridicule, harassment and discrimination, and not punishing students, even when they see it happening. Did the schools report all of the complaints in the Instagram Posts? Does the Central Office rely on the schools to address student complaints? How does the Central Office know if schools are ignoring ridicule, harassment and discrimination?
(3). Install Management Controls to Ensure that Schools are Enforcing the Rules - WCS should require that schools report every incident of ridicule, harassment and discrimination based on race, color, homophobia, religion, appearance, and ethnicity, and also sexual harassment and assault to the Central Office, and the Central Office should hire or assign someone to investigate every report and to prepare a monthly report to the Board that lists the number and type of incidents that have been reported at each school. The is a very important management tool and will let the schools know that they can't get away with ignoring student and parent complaints. It isn't enough to just require Principals to report incidents that involve groups that are protected by Federal law ("protected groups"), and it isn't enough to say "teachers have a responsibility to report incidents" - that isn't an effective management system.
(4). A Way for Students to File Anonymous Complaints - Students
repeatedly say they are afraid to speak up, and when they do, nothing is
done, they are exposed to ridicule, or they are victim-blamed. It is
critical to create a safe way for students to speak up either anonymously
or confidentially. That needs to be done at the District level - some of
the schools apparently can't be trusted to do it. Superintendent Golden
claims to have installed a Reporting System, but how does he know the
System works? I called the "anonymous anti-bullying tip line" at (855)
284-0669 and got a recording that said something like "We will keep your
report as confidential as possible" - how does that make a student feel
safe? What does that even mean? Does that mean they will call the Principal
or the student's parents? How many students will leave a message and their
phone number? Also, how many students will send an email to bullying@wcs.edu ? I
don't think WCS is making a serious effort to discover problems - I think
WCS administration wants "plausible deniability", so they can say "we
tried". Parents should also be allowed to file a complaint on their child's
behalf. The WCS Central Office should report those incidents to the schools
AND do a monthly report to the WCS Board of the incidents by category (such
as the above Analysis) and how each incident was resolved. The perception
of many students is > "WCS wants to keep the terrible things off the
radar, so they'll have more students and more money from taxes to keep it
up and running." (this is a comment on the right side of the Post at
(5). Teachers and students should be given a list of Unacceptable Behavior that includes specific examples .
(6). The "Joke" Excuse - One pattern of unacceptable behavior that is mentioned many times is that students will make an insulting racial, homophobic, or sexual comment to a student and if the student complains, the response is "It was a joke." Students need to be told that is NOT an acceptable excuse and that they will get in big trouble if they make those comments. The "It was a joke" excuse is mentioned so many times that it appears to be an excuse that the teachers and administration accept.
(7). There is a surprising amount of "in your face" political and controversial activity by students and teachers at school that is offensive to some students . For example, there are reports of students waving Confederate flags or wearing clothes with Confederate flags, and students, teachers and staff having political banners at schools or on school property. That is a distraction and causes conflicts - everything of that type should be banned. People aren't allowed to do that at most places of employment and no one should be allowed to do that at school - school isn't the place for that.
(8). Have someone categorize the Instagram Complaints by school and require each school to respond to the Complaints about their school .
(9). The schools that allow students to be threatened, harassed, and assaulted need to be exposed - the Principals of those schools should be publicly shamed for allowing that to happen and if they can't get it under control, they should be replaced.
(10). All teachers should be encouraged to read the 468 Instagram Posts, or at least the examples that are above.
(11). I strongly recommend that Board Members read the disturbing incidents that are pasted above and if you have time read all 468 posts at www.instagram.com/dearestwcs .